Reiki is a healing technique used to promote relaxation and healing in the physical, mental, and emotional body. I believe that self-care and nurturing are essential for a balanced health and a great sense of well being. Reiki provides the tools, in combination with a healthy eating style and exercise to achieve this state.
In this certification class, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of Usui Reiki, named after its founder Mikao Usui and how its method of healing can bring a more harmonious, peaceful, healthier, and joyful life. Students will be learning:
· The Reiki principles
· 21 days energetic detox practice
· Hand positions for Self-treatment
· How to do treatments
· Practice with healing others in one on one and group sessions
· The seven major chakra points used in Reiki treatment
· Use of crystals in Reiki
· Assistance with the Angelic Realm
Preparing for class guidelines
To have a more elevated experience, please consider the following guidelines:
1. Avoid alcohol of any form of drug for at least 48 hours before the class
2. Avoid eating processed or junk food
3. Set aside a few minutes to meditate (Sit with your spine upward on the floor or a chair and focus your attention on your breath. Breathe deeply and slowly repeatedly 8-10 times).
4. Avoid tea or coffee the day of the class. Caffeine free tea is fine.
5. Eat a light breakfast. For example, fruit or low level sugar foods.
6. Give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination.
7. Come to class with an open mind!
Cost: $215 RESERVE my spot. Please, sign up by Wed. 2/28th. Limited Space**
At the end of this class, students will have received their first level attunement and their certificate of completion for Reiki Level 1.
We have payments options. Click HERE for your first payment.
If you have any questions about this certification class, or are interested in the payment options, please contact us at or call at 856 701 5692.
**Space is limited. There are payment plan options. Partial refund of 50% of total cost within a seven day cancellation notice before class starts. No refunds within one week of the class starting. Minimum amount of students is two per class, otherwise class will be postponed and rescheduled.
COVID-19 Protocol:
Please, avoid coming to this class if you think you are getting sick, you have been out of the state or country the past two weeks or have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, or have had COVID-19 (or any of its variants) the past three weeks or present any of the symptoms (coughing, have a fever, sneezing, headaches, difficulty breathing, etc) right now.
If you suspect you might be infected (Covid-19 or any of the variants), you will be rescheduled for another class at a different time and date. You will NOT lose your deposit at this time.
It is your choice to wear a mask for this class. However, during the attunement process, the teacher will be touching parts of your body (hands, shoulders, head) and blowing some air on hands; the teacher might or might not wear a mask at this time.
Note: We are located at 235 Rt 73 N West Berlin NJ 08091 at the DEC Electrical Contractors building behind Dunkin Donuts.